Grief And All The Things It Can Show You

Dear Dynamic, Powerful Woman, It’s interesting how grief will literally cut through your heart, and it’s the most excruciating pain there is.

It doesn’t kill you though, it just needs to run its course.

It feels like it could kill you, but it doesn’t - at least not physically. 

I’ve noticed as of late in life that it highlights my life, what is working and what is not, choices I’ve made and how I want my life to be.

The pain gives me information about how I’m living in my relationships, in life and with myself. 

Because I have this feeling that I have NOTHING to lose, nothing can break me anymore in this very dark and raw moment I find myself in from the grief. 

Things I’ve tried to overcome for most of my life, but couldn’t seem to overcome it or stick to it, such as letting go of something, someone. 

Yet all of a sudden through my weakest days strength can finally come through and lift me up because when you're broken there is a surrendering that takes place. Exposing our vulnerability which is so beautiful. 

Grief can make us open to love and all that’s possible in love, in our life and our relationships. -  If we can allow ourselves to experience it, even though it’s so uncomfortable, and can be so intense to feel all the emotions.

If we can learn to be with the emotions and that comes up for us to look at, and not push it away by taking up things that can numb it out, we can experience something so profound, that can be truly life changing. 

Some tools I have found that can be helpful to stay with intense emotions are:

  • Breathing, breathing into the pain area in the body

  • Moving my body with exercise, helping to calm the nervous system down as well move out the emotions

  • Journaling, just free flow writing, no punctuation, no thinking, just write and write until I can’t write anymore

  • Spend time with friends or family, staying connected

  • Reminding myself that these emotions and season I am in  will pass in time and I won’t always feel this way

  • Doing things that self sooth such as getting a massage, taking baths, hot springs, travel, getting out town for me has always helped tremendously to help process while feeling everything, different scenery, different people and different experiences is very healing, going to listen to live music and dance or perhaps if this isn’t an option do it in your home.

If you would like to know more about how to cope with your grief and to not get stuck in it please email me for a free 20 minute phone consultation. I feel confident I can help you. You're not alone. 


Love Yourself To Love Others