Grief And All The Things It Can Show You
Soul Coaching Lisa Proulx Soul Coaching Lisa Proulx

Grief And All The Things It Can Show You

It’s interesting how grief will literally cut through your heart, and it’s the most excruciating pain there is.

It doesn’t kill you though, it just needs to run its course.

It feels like it could kill you, but it doesn’t at least not physically.

I’ve noticed as of late in life that it highlights my life, what is working and what is not, choices I’ve made and how I want my life to be.

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Love Yourself To Love Others
Soul Coaching Lisa Proulx Soul Coaching Lisa Proulx

Love Yourself To Love Others

Dear Dynamic, Powerful woman,

Love ourselves to be able to love others can seem like a cliche, yet it really is true.

Have you ever had difficulty loving yourself fully, which includes your flaws?

Have you struggled with letting others in to love you?

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Living In Expectancy
Soul Coaching Lisa Proulx Soul Coaching Lisa Proulx

Living In Expectancy

Dear Dynamic, Powerful Woman,

I learned the art of opening my body up in every way, by softening all areas, breathing, and allowing all that tension to let go, all the worry to wash away, and open my fists to what it clings to, to all my agendas for the future that I’m trying to force and control.

Letting control and pushing go simply takes all the pressure off of me to make things happen in my timeline and allows me to live more in the present moment instead.

I learned to lean back, and live in EXPECTANCY.

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