Living With Ease
For most of my life I have felt uncomfortable in my own skin, feeling like who I truly am wouldn't be enough. Like I had to do and do, be pleasing and be perfect.
What freedom that transpired not only within me, but in my life that it’s opposite, really I just need to be me.
I learned to stop trying to be perfect. The truth is I am perfect because I am not perfect.
I learned stop being everything to everyone, it’s not only exhausting, but I lost myself.
Our femininity is what draws in not only a man, but the life you want and most importantly yourself in, to hold on to yourself through everything and anything.
I believe as a woman trying to not be completely ourselves we find ourselves in the masculine energy and end up fighting with our guy and pushing him away.
Two rams together never work, never healthy.
We become hard, guarded, shut off, tired, resentful.
Femininity which is innate within us as women soft, understanding, compassionate, nurturing, flowing, open, tapped into our feelings, powerful, dynamic with all our layers of uniqueness, the depths of our soul.
We are still strongly rooted like an oak tree, full of wisdom, rooted deeply down who can not be shaken. The branches move with the wind of what is going on in our lives, becoming adaptable to what is currently happening.
I had to learn to be open and lean back in my life, and in my relationships, by being myself fully and allowing them to be themselves fully.
In that I now wait to be pursued by my guy even in the relationship, I have my own life and my own passions, and dreams.
I allow him to open doors, grab my hand and wait for his energy to build to want to pull me in and give me the most passionate kiss of my life.- each time…
All this may sound so simple and no brainer, but for me I was so used to living in my head, hard, guarded, have to figure things out mind set, so it was quite a change.
And a scary one as well. I feared that by letting go I would get hurt again, and be left.
I thought if I could stay strong and guarded, and be the pursuer than I was in control, and I could avoid getting hurt.
Perhaps because never being in my femininity of being open, receiving, going with the flow, trusting, ultimately I wouldn't let anyone in, no one into my heart then I can’t get hurt.
I recently had a fun photo shoot and it was really pressed on my heart to twirl with a colorful scarf of my favorite colors, and allow it to blow in the wind- reminding me of kite flying. Which I should definitely get back into.
I feel it’s very important to make time for play in our lives.. laughter heals.
It’s a fun exercise to explore what could be fun in a childlike way.., and do it.,,
Like painting, playing music, as I mentioned kites, painting our toe nails, getting fake fun tattoos, playing with makeup, having the carefree - I want to feel the wind in my hair- hair cut, to name a few things.
It’s this inner energy of how to be in our femininity though, that really matters, because you can be doing just about anything and have this carefree, giddy, laughing girly girl presence.
Which really is contagious and desirable.
Before covid I sadly will admit that I fell into my masculine energy hard core with the goals I had, and I was living in this push, push, get things done, by overworking myself in order to achieve my goals I had set.
That inner girl, playful, femininity got dimmed for years as I grew exhausted, which then anger grew, then resentment, and I clearly wasn’t living from a place of carefree, and wasn’t being in the moment.
Most days I wanted to just get through the day, the season, and to the future where I could breathe again and feel like I had energy and myself back.
I had missed balance and missed me in the push way of living.
Covid forced me to STOP. What a blessing that was.
The first month I pretty much napped everyday.. started doing things I didn’t have energy or time for before.
Like reading, arts and crafts, playing my guitar, singing, dancing, hula hooping, hiking, cooking more interesting and new recipes.
It was a rebirth for me at this time..
I vowed I would not go back to living in that push, push way again, and settle into trusting God a little more and live in expectancy-go with the flow knowing and believing that all things work out and I will be provided for without the anxiety of “forcing things to happen”.
It’s been wonderful to live like this again, more balanced, calm, free, playful, and present each day.
I feel blessed this came out of covid.
I feel blessed. I also don’t feel I need to push my romantic relationship along.
I can sit back and allow it to unfold as we play, enjoy each other and grow together organically.
Ahh no pressure…
If you would like to learn more about how to get in touch with your femininity, inner girl, how to ot lose yourself, how to stop pushing guys away, how to recover from heart ache, and how to pick a better partner, email me for a free consultation towards a whole new way of being and living in your life and relationships.
Much Love & Blessings,
Lisa Alarie