Living In Expectancy

Dear Dynamic, Powerful Woman,  

I learned the art of opening my body up in every way, by softening all areas, breathing, and allowing all that tension to let go, all the worry to wash away, and open my fists to what it clings to, to all my agendas for the future that I’m trying to force and control.

Letting control and pushing go simply takes all the pressure off of me  to make things happen in my timeline and allows me to live more in the present moment instead.

I learned to lean back, and live in EXPECTANCY.

Expecting that good things, and all of the desires of my heart will one day come my way, and my life will be showered with them.

Living with expectancy makes me feel more awake and girly in my life twirling around in life in excitement of not knowing everything that could happen in my day or who I will meet or when things will fall into place.

I have to say that I just love dresses, heels, lip gloss, and jewelry, I love singing and dancing around the house, laughing, and the feeling of being free and childlike.

I hope to never lose the  playful girl that lives inside of me..

That’s why I’ve always loved to load up my car and hit the road on a road trip..

You never know what you will see or who you will meet.

Always being surprised by the beauty of nature, magnificent surprises and sunsets, I’ve never seen.

Me-behind the wheel and just driving - freedom.

When I was a little girl I had very long hair, and my mom loved to put my hair in various pigtail styles.. Silky long brown hair soon to be all cut off..

Why is this you might ask??

Well, I told my mom that I wanted to feel the wind in my hair when I rode my bike.

I just loved how the breeze felt in my face and head.

I also felt so carefree and open to be in the present, and just experience the simplest thing that was currently happening, like a cool breeze on a hot summer day.. mmm

My mom was so saddened by my request to chop my hair off, and that also meant no more play time for her to play with my hair and arrange it in pigtails.

But, as I continued to request for shorter hair, “seemingly a  boy's hair cut” my mom gave in.

She cried when she saw it all hit the floor,  and as for me  I couldn’t smile bigger enough…

I immediately got home and hopped on my bike, and she said she looked out the window to see me swaying my head back and forth taking in the feeling of the breeze on my face and head.

I couldn’t have been happier.

I was in pure bliss… 

Where do we lose this childlike carefree, open to our life, living in expectancy and playfulness, be in the moment innate femininity, ready to receive and do what will make us feel and stay open and care free?

I feel we can slowly lose this by the pressures of all the demands of life. And to flex our own masculinity so that we can stay safe in life and in our relationships. 

Relaxing, being open, surrendering to life and relationships, that it will unfold in its own time requires some trust. So CONTROL has to FLEE .-this can be scary. I know it was for me.

How do we pause and awaken what is already inside to come out, so that we can live more carefree, open, present and in expectancy?

I feel it’s a choice and a practice to live in this way.

Learning again how to listen to our inner girl in what feels fun and playful to us and then do it.

It’s also, really important to notice what does not feel good to us and not allow that, this is important for so many reasons yet, pertaining to this I would say we tense up and guard when things don’t feel good to us. 

So live from a place of always open, and expectancy theirs an openness with our heart, mind, body for things to happen and for us to be in the moment.

Taking care of ourselves by saying how we feel and stating true to our standards is very important.

I’ve suffered from anxiety most my life and had to learn to relax and let go.

But always going back to my inner girl of playfulness ha always been the way out of the weight and tension that anxiety would have on me.

It’s just energy and it just needs to move through and on out is all.

This can look like putting on some music and allow your body to move with the beat in a free way, and sing without judging your voice. 

Deep breathing helps with everything and we need to breathe to be alive.

I feel sometimes it helpful to live free and fluid in the outside with what we do in a playful manner can then be turned inward inside our body’s 

If you would like to know more how to let go of tension in your body and work through deep emotions and situations you find yourself in, I have some very powerful tools. Message me here for a free 20 minute coaching session.


Living With Ease


Tapping Into Your Inner Femininity Of Girly Girl, Playfulness, & Being In The Moment