Tapping Into Your Inner Femininity Of Girly Girl, Playfulness, & Being In The Moment


Hello Dynamic, Powerful woman,

I’m so excited that spring is here..

Yay I survived another long winter..

I particularly feel so girly in the spring feeling the warmth of the sun on my face, and hearing the birds start to come out and around chirping in delight, singing their sweet tunes.

Soon I’ll be twirling around in sundresses as summer arrives.

I’ve been smiling about, with the daffodils that have sprung up all around - the happy flower.

My eyes never tire as I hike my heart out in the wilderness of beautiful Colorado, taking in the sound of roaring river, chirping birds, field after field of wildflowers, nature’s artwork.

My energy is skipping along in awe as my spirit is twirling around..of all that is possible in this life. One of the many teachings I get from nature.

It really feels wonderful to be a girly girl, and to be able to access my own femininity of openness, to simply sit back, relax and receive what life has to offer me, and from a man in all the wonderful, sweet, endearing, protective ways, they show their love and care.

All the wonderful ways they shower and flex their manly, masculinity around of wanting to provide, admire, and tend to us so sweetly…

Such as moving my hair out of my eyes, and picking lint off of me… I know this may seem silly but to me I just love that.. Simple, sweet, attuned, and it never fails to make me feel so adored… mmm.. LOVE..

It took me a long time to tap into my femininity in these ways, and I had to learn how to be open to receive from a man, and people in general.

I feel all women can relate to this on some level, natural givers, nurturers that we are… But then we forget about ourselves.

I learned that giving blesses the person who is giving. So to deny that from that person would be a sad thing in life.

Love - I have always envisioned a circle of pastel colors circling around of giving and receiving, all intertwined.

I found some freedom, in that all I have to do is relax, be in my body, and show up as who I am.

Wow, really, that’s it..??

Yes, I don’t have to do all these things, and be a certain way in order to be loved.

I recall this powerful moment in my life awhile back when I was on a week long silent meditation retreat, yes, it was wss silent everyday, all day, and no eye contact even with the other participants.

For me I felt that we woke insanely early every morning, 5 am, the pain of being tired and waking up while it was still dark out was somewhat soothed by the sound of the ringing gong.

I believe it was the 3rd morning that I woke and felt extremely tired and was pretty cranky to rise, but then this realization hit me hard.

All I have to do today is just get dressed and I didn’t even have to match my clothes as no one is really looking at me, and all I had to do was just be and RECEIVE.

I felt this huge sense of relief yet, this realization impacted me profoundly and quite deeply as it gave me clear insight as to how much I am always “on” in my life, and it has felt exhausting. And here all I had to do was to just be, be myself and be present in each moment.

Seriously was the very best vacation I have ever been on. I read many reviews of people stating just that, and I must say I thought really.. A Silent retreat for a whole week and it was your best vacation??…

It is so true though.. Very hard to explain the feeling really, but I will say I felt like I had gotten a face lift when I finished. I felt so attuned with myself, life, everything all around, I really had this opportunity to really decompress and fill back up..

.When someone would hold the door for me or take my dirty dishes, I could not even give eye contact let alone thank them.

This felt very uncomfortable for me, to just receive “without” having to give anything back in return.

Love is free…

This I continue to practice to be open and receive, and not always feel I have to do something back or do something so I can be loved.

This one accept is such an important thing to embody in order to have the love and relationship you want. This is really the essence of being in our femininity.

Being open to receive from life and a man is such a feminine thing as masculine energy is doing and solving.

Being open and allowing a man to give to me and I take it in to receive really takes this pressure off of him as well.

He feels I am comfortable with myself to just be and be open and he then feels he doesn’t have to entertain me or anything. It allows him to be himself as well. It really flows beautifully when this is happening. Flowing naturally, the CIRCLE OF LOVE.

I just love twirling around in my life as a girl… How about you??

If you would like to learn more about how to tap into your femininity and be open and present within yourself, your life, and your relationship, I would be honored to take you on that journey.

Email me here for a free 20 minute private coaching session.


Living In Expectancy